Ramalha Beach
Features: Beach with a very wide sandy area, with a consolidated dune system to the north and a dune formation in the south beach.
Services: Parking. Bar. Beach with concession / cafeteria. Showers. Lifeguard. Beach umbrella area. Wheelchair access. Car park with 2 spaces reserved for vehicles carrying disabled people with a parking card. It is near Rio Alto Camping Park (Póvoa de Varzim).
Access: Easy, with parking. Bicycle parking. Access from the North Coast Ecovia
Capacity: 1200 People
Sport Activities / Entertainment: Windsurfing. Surfing. Sports Fishing.
Awards: Gold Quality.
Water Quality: Excellent (*). Average water temperature: 18 ° C
Location: Place of Ramalha, Village of Apulia - Esposende. 41° 28' 26.94" N 8° 46' 31.05" O
Observations: (*) See the updated bulletins (**) On the Maritime Authority, check the zones and special concessions to practice activity.