PR7 - Path of the Seafarers
Walking route through the city of Esposende
Description: Pedestrian route by Esposende, low difficulty and with an approximate distance of 4 km Esposende. The elevation of the village dates back to Esposende August 19, 1572, during the reign of King Sebastian (1554-1578). On December 16, 1886 acquired the category of Municipal and dismissed on 27 October 1898 of the Municipal District. It was after the heyday of the art of sailing, centuries elapsed between the XIV and XV, which Esposende met the height - between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries - through maritime trade and shipbuilding. This pedestrian route through the city of Esposende, you will learn the parlor of Esposende municipality.
Location: Esposende
Starting Point: Praça D. Sebastião
Distance: 6,24 Km
Difficulty level: Easy
Points of Interest: Statue of D. Sebastião, Church of Senhor dos Aflitos, Esposende Municipal Museum, Pelourinho, Municipal Forum Rodrigues Sampaio, Municipal Library Manuel Boaventura, Church of Misericórdia and Church of Senhor dos Mareantes, Busto do poeta António Correia d'Oliveira, Building of Paços do Concelho, Palacete de Valentim Ribeiro, Church Matriz of Esposende, Statue to António Rodrigues Sampaio, Tourism Centre - Loja de Turismo de Esposende - TPNP, ER, Church and Cruzeiro de S. João Baptista, Hospital Valentim Ribeiro, mouth of river Cávado, Forte S. João Baptista and Lighthouse of Esposende, Maritime Museum of Esposende (Build. of ISN), Swimmingpools Foz do Cávado, Monumment to Homem do Mar
Google Maps: https://goo.gl/165zC4
Wikiloc: https://goo.gl/Ry12x1
Alltrails: http://goo.gl/NnpKN
Brochure: https://goo.gl/RNYDxQ